Sunday, 12 October 2014

10 days!

Good evening all!

So sorry I haven't kept you updated...! I promise to keep a much better account of this coming week.. haha we'll see how that turns out...

Anyway....  I can't believe we have already been here 10 days. In  a strange way it feels much longer, but also hardly any time at all!  The past week has been quiet, mostly meeting the other volunteers, and starting to plan for the kids clubs.  Slowly easing in to the work.
 On Friday we visited a few of the sights where we will be working during our time here.  The first place we visited was Family Believers Church (FBC).  Here we will be running one of the kids clubs on Friday afternoons, as well as supporting and encouraging the local community on Thursdays through the Outreach programme.  FBC is in a slum area, so a lot of the people there have very little. When we were there on Friday, a few of the local children came to say hello.  Most of them dressed in ripped or dirty clothes. I found this difficult to see, coming from a culture where this would be unimaginable.  They were incredibly excited to see us and very friendly!  A few of them even came and gave us all a big hug, they are all very cute! up to 130 kids come along to the kids club at FBC and it is apparently a bit hectic, so looking forward to that challenge!! I am also looking forward to working in this area, though I expect to be challenged seeing the prevalent poverty all around, and seeing how people live there lives in a completely different way.
  After leaving Family believers, we headed to Ruth Mother Care.  This is the school we will be helping out with a couple of days a week.  We met the lady Ruth who started it, she was very welcoming.  There were no kids there on Friday, but it was good to see where we will be working and learning a little about the school.  There are about 45 pupils, with classes ranging from nursery to p3.  Currently the building is not much more than a wooden shed with a roof,  not very water tight. However this week we will be starting work, digging foundations for a new building.  So lots of before and after pics to come! Lastly we visited Blessed, he we will be running another kids club on Friday afternoons.
  On Saturday Ruth and I were invited to come along and play with the worship Choir during the Saturday evening service at KBC. I played Bass guitar and Ruth played acoustic.  This was a bit of a new challenge, as generally they don't have the music written down.  Also coupled with the fact that there was a wedding the had run late, so no time to practice.  Though we managed pretty well I think, hopefully we will be able to get more involved over the coming months. 
  Today we were at Church in the morning and afterwards Kathryn and I washed out clothes for the first time..!  No washing machines here...!! Thankfully my clothes were still pretty clean, though we will see how we get on after actually do work at the projects. 
I promise I will post some pictures tomorrow to let you have a glimpse in to life here, but it is late now so not tonight! That is if there is actually anybody reading this other than Anna.... haha..

Hope you are all well


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